Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Activity 6: States of Matter and Interolecular Forces

Activity 6: States of Matter and Intermolecular Forces

We are all familiar with the states of matter (solids, liquids and gases) for many substances. In the First Activity we explored these states of matter for water. In Activity 6, we would like to take our overall understanding of states of matter to the molecular level. We will use the States of Matter simulation at .

There are two key characteristics of molecules that determine their state of matter. The first one is the temperature of the matter, and the second one is the intermolecular forces (how well atoms/molecules stick to one another) between atoms and molecules.
  • One of the first things to think about here is temperature. Temperature and thermometers have a very similar relation to speed and speedometers. For all practical purposes, a thermometer is really a speedometer for molecular speed or motion.
At the site shows a good overview of temperature with a good image of the temperature scales and conversions between different scales.

Notice that the Kelvin scale starts at zero and goes up from there. This is like our car speedometer, in that at 0 Kelvin (K), molecular and atomic motions stop.  As the temperature rises, atoms and molecules begin to move faster and faster.
  • The second thing to consider is the intermolecular forces (attractions) that exist between molecules. In the D2L content slides there are a few types of attractions described, notice all of these are defined by the attraction that exists between positive and negative charges. Water is a great example of a molecule that has strong attractions that we call hydrogen bonding. It is this strong attraction that makes water a unique molecule on our planet. It turns out that the hydrogen atoms tend to be positive in charge, and the oxygen atoms tends to be negative in charge.
1. Convert to Kelvin:  0°F=  255.222 K  32°F=273 K   70°F=294.261 K   212°F=373.150 K

2. Complete the Teaching Idea: States of Matter Simulation Lab by Kelly Vaughan:

Name: Visualizethis39/penaj         Date: July 25, 2012

Class: Visualizing Chemistry 105, Dr. Shultz   

 States of Matter Simulation Lab
1. Draw a diagram below showing what you think the molecules will look like for each state of matter, solid, liquid, and gas. Write a sentence below each diagram predicting what the motion of the molecules will be like.

Diagram of molecules

Sentence explaining how molecules will be moving.
 Evenly, constantly
 More quickly

2. If you start with a substance as a solid, what will happen to the molecules as you add thermal energy (heat)?  They will speed up, creating energy.

3. Use the menu on the right side of the program to select Water and Solid. Draw and describe what you see in the space below.

 The molecules are lighter in weight and are not moving very fast.

4. Now, use the slider on the bottom of the program to Add Heat. Notice the thermometer at the top of the program. What temperature scale is this thermometer showing?  157 K
5. What happens to the water as you increase the temperature?  The water molecules separate and move faster due to increasing temperature; speed increases, like a speedometer.
6. What is the melting/freezing point of water in Kelvin?  273.15 K

7. Add heat until the temperature is just below and then just above the melting point of water. How is water different below its melting point and above it?   In the melting point the water is becoming a liquid, getting colder, and at boiling point the water is becoming a gas and is getting hotter therefore moving faster.

8. Draw and describe what water looks like as a liquid.
 The water molecules are dispersed on the bottom evenly and start to move around/become active.

 9. What is the boiling/condensation point of water in Kelvin?  373.15 K.  The process by which a gas becomes a liquid.

10. Continue to add heat until you are just below and then just above the boiling point of water. How is water different below its boiling point and above it?   Molecules either move slower or faster, decreasing or increasing in pressure and evaporation due to the decreasing or rising of temperature.

11. Draw and describe what water looks like as a gas.
Water molecules move faster and further apart and move randomly and rapidly.

12. Choose one of the other three substances listed in the menu on the right. Investigate what happens when you add and remove heat from this substance. Use the buttons on the right to see this substance as a solid, liquid, and gas. Draw and describe its properties in the table below.
Substance Selected:  Oxygen
Gas:  The particles of a gas are far apart and move randomly, yet rapidly.
Liquid:  aka CO2.  The particles of a liquid are free to move within the confines of the liquid; no organized pattern.
Solid:  The particles of a solid have fixed positions and exhibit motions of vibrations; bounce off of each other.

13. How was this substance similar to water in each state of matter? How was it different?  Although different states of matter, oxygen acts almost identical to water in the means of how fast or slow they move due to increasing or decreasing temperature.  The major difference, however, is that CO2 is produced from oxygen.    

14. Were your predictions (see p. 1) correct or incorrect? Explain.   Yes, my predictions were correct because molecules speed up with an increased temperature and vise versa.
BONUS: Optional, worth up to 10 points added to the lab’s final grade

15. Choose a substance other than water from the menu on the right side of the program. Use the slider to add and remove heat. Based on what the molecules do, figure out the approximate temperatures of the melting point and boiling point of this substance. (Hint: The temperatures given when you click solid, liquid, and gas are NOT the melting and boiling points.)

Substance:  Neon

Melting Point:  25 K

How did you figure it out?  Because the molecules start to move more slowly.

Boiling Point: 27 K

How did you figure it out?  The exact point couldn't be determined because of the molecules moving rapidly.
3. In the States of Matter simulation, choose the Solid, Liquid, and Gas Tab at the top of the screen. Choose the water molecule and cool the water to 0 K. Describe how the water molecules are aligned and attracted to each other. Which atoms are attracted to which other atoms?

Dipole forces are oppositely charged ends and will attract each other.  For example, hydrogen bonds are created when a hydrogen atom is covalently bonded to a high electronegative atom.

4. Switch to the Phase Changes Tab on the States of Matter simulation. Notice how on the bottom right there is a small red dot that indicates where the system is at as far as temperature, pressure and state of matter. Play with the simulation to notice changes, notice that when you push down the pressure can go way up and explode the box. On your blog, report a temperature and pressure required to make oxygen a liquid. This is sometimes how the oxygen exists in pressurized oxygen tanks, perhaps like ones you may use to go diving.  155 K  Because of the high consistent pressure of oxygen that turns into water the ionic substances dissolve creating an interactions.  The same concept happens in reverse when pressure is used to fill pressurized oxygen tanks.

5. List and describe at least two Science Standards that this activity addresses.
Content Science G, Applications and Content Standard Science D, Physical Science.

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